Fall Favorites

7 Self-Improvement Habits I’m Committing to

7 Self-Improvement Habits I’m Committing to

With roughly four months left in the year, I’m realizing how much of 2020 I wasted. Granted, a lot of us probably feel that way. We came in hot on January 1 expecting this to be our year and then boom — not so much. So, with not much left in the year and with 2021 likely still looking a lot of the same, I’m on a mission to do better. True, I didn’t take advantage of much of the downtime I’ve had to be a better person, but it’s never too late, right?

In an effort to end 2020 a little better than I’ve spent the last 6-7 months, here’s a breakdown of what I’m doing. Will it work? I don’t know, but it never hurts to try. And if you’re curious, check back on January 1, 2021 so I can give a fill report.

Move — you know how they say you should walk at least 10K steps/day? That’s hard when you’re not required to really be anywhere each day. Also, it’s super hard when you’re just generally not motivated to hit the pavement each day. From here until the rest of the year, I’m committing to 10K steps/day. If you don’t follow me on Instagram already, now is your chance to follow and keep me accountable.

Read — full disclosure, I’ve already been doing this. Since May 1, I’ve read 7 books which is 7 times more than what I usually do annually. I’m really enjoying it and plan to keep doing it so leave your suggestions in the comments! 📘

Develop a morning routine — I start each morning the same. I roll out of bed after hitting snooze no less than 7 times. I might make a coffee or I’ll just start working depending on the time. And while this in itself is technically a routine, it’s not a good one. Being a morning person isn’t a thing. I did once write about it because they say you have to talk about it as it is to really adapt the habits, but I was a fraud. It’s not easy to just “be” a morning person. So, I’m committing to a new routine where I wake up, move, and do some other things. Check back for a blog post on how that’s going.

Make 3 goals — I made three goals I want to achieve for the rest of the year. And, while I want to keep them to myself at this point, I promise they’re real. I think when you have goals and lay out steps to achieve them and actually check in on them often, you’re more likely to get where you want to be.

Eliminate — I’ve been THRIVING at this since quarantine started. I’ve gotten rid of no less than 8 full trash bags of things and I want to keep going. I love getting rid of things now and even though it’s tough, I find that I feel amazing for at least a few weeks after.

Stop comparing — I’m a sucker for a long Instagram scroll and with that comes posts from people who are absolutely living their best life this year. It’s hard to see them and now compare myself to them but I’m trying. And, when I stop comparing (as hard as it is), I’ve found that I’m in a much better head space.

Go offline — I work in social media so this is HARD. But, when I stop checking my phone, even for a few hours, I feel refreshed and ready to deal with whatever it is that’s happening online. I’m committing to one phone-free day per month and hopefully can spend a lot more hours phone free for the next few months.

If you’re still with me, great! I hope some of these ideas sparked some motivation for you too. This year has been TOUGH, and it’s ok to need a regroup. I know I’ve needed more than one and I’m excited to see what the rest of the year has in store. 💙
